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The CCITNHS Main Building
 It is a two-storey building first floor of which has four rooms - the Faculty Room, the Office of the School Head, The Mini Library, and the IV-Babbage classroom. The second floor is composed of three rooms - the Computer Laboratory, the Internet Room, and the Grade 8 - Abacus classroom. The first building constructed for the school through the initiative of Congressman Eric D. Singson. 
The Philip Morris Building
It is a three-classroom building donated by the Philip Morris Company through the Embrace Foundation. Classroom order from west to east: Grade 7 - Megabyte, III - Delphi, and Grade 8 - Pascaline.
The CCITNHS-PES Building
The building was shared by Candon City Information Technology National High School (CCITNHS) and Patpata Elementary School (PES). Two of the five classrooms, first two classrooms from the west, are owned by CCITNHS housing Grade 7 - Gigabyte, and III - Java, respectively. The other classrooms are owned by PES.
The School Canteen
The Covered Court
The Computer Laboratory
The room houses the computer sets used for instruction in all TLE - ICT subjects from Grade 7 to Fourth Year.
The Internet Room
The room houses the computer units used for internet browsing. The service is enjoyed by both teachers and students.
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